Monday 100405-W; WGG

Happy Easter!

Find 1RM for...
Back Squat OR
Front Squat OR
Overhead Squat

"The Chief"
For 5 rounds, as many reps as possible in 3 minutes:
3 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Pushups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute


Steven Willis said...

Overhead Squat
215. Failed 225...elbows popped and felt like it was gonna dislocate sooo I stopped

"The Chief"
Round 1: 7 rds + 9 reps
Round 2: 5 rds + 11 reps
Round 3: 5 rds + 2 reps
Round 4: 5 rds
Round 5: 5 rds
515 reps (PR by 105, but last time was scaled up to 155)

Alyssa Rakes said...

OHS: 90lbs (PR by 10lbs!!!


Cindy: 12 rounds, 5 pullups

PR by 3 rounds exactly