Saturday 090912-WG

The goal is for both athletes to individually complete 200 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood) and 200 sit-ups. One starts with swings while the other starts with sit-ups. They will spend one minute on an exercise and rotate. If an athlete completes 200 reps of one exercise before the other, burpees take the place of that completed exercise. This is a head-to-head race. 3...2...1...GO!


Brian Dean said...


hjs said...

15:17 with 20 lbs + 1 round of burpees instead of swings

Steven Willis said...


Alyssa said...

17:34 w/ 15 lbs swings

Josh Horton said...

16:47. slowed down on my sit ups so i could rest and not have to do burpees.